blog of testiclese this is where the shit went down, but before you got here

January 30, 2006

Questions about things

Filed under: General — tj @ 3:37 pm

Over the course of the last eight or so years, I’ve been amassing a collection of digital music.  In the days before mp3’s, I would listen to albums (cds) in their entirety.  I find lately that I spend more time skipping through randomly shuffled tracks, either on the iPod, on in winamp.  I think a touch of radness would be an app that brought back the album feeling, where you can visually scan your cd’s, grab an album, and give it a spin.  Otherwise, I worry that this song shuffle could progress, and I’ll be spending more time skipping songs than actually listening.  At the end of a long day of skipping tracks, I feel tired, and worn, not at all entertained.  Each new song that comes up aggravates me more than the last, until my Ritalin rattled brain decides that there is no music worth the bits it’s shifting, and I feel like I hate music, and I notes, and I especially hate singing.

January 26, 2006

New things

Filed under: General — tj @ 4:04 pm
  1. New Job
  2. New Commute
  3. New Cube
  4. New Mug
  5. New Phone

my cube

I’m back bitches.

Filed under: General — tj @ 2:55 pm

I’d say I’m happy to be here, but I hate you.  This blog has been recreated, by hand, and keyboard, and a little bit of elbow grease.  Much obliged to Mister Schuler, without whom none of this would be possible.

June 24, 2005

A Hole

Filed under: General — tj @ 3:11 pm

a big hole
Holy crap that’s a big hole. The heat is really getting to the parking lot by my work. Apparently, smaller hole was made a few years ago, enough to get some water down there, and over time wore out this hole. The hole itself was probably only a foot and a half feet across, but it was about eight feet deep. It also connected to a tunnel, or a container of some sort that no one knew about. They put about three quarters of a ton of rocks, without making a dent in the hole.

The rest of the pictures are here.

June 16, 2005

Sometimes the lightbulb goes off…

Filed under: Ideas — tj @ 3:34 pm

…for good, and sometimes for evil.
(Backstory required for this idea: today is Thursday)
Today I discovered that if I die after work today, technically, today was Friday.

June 14, 2005


Filed under: General — tj @ 8:29 am

I find out today, that I have no friends. I am completely alone in the world. All around me is darkness.
I wrote some poems about it, but I’m the only one who reads this, and I’ve already read them.
When I wrote them I mean. I didn’t RE-read them, or really even look at them.
So I’m certainly not going to transcribe them here for no one to see.

May 19, 2005

On the topic of bad coding

Filed under: General — tj @ 9:40 am

I had a funny thought, here we go.

“Your fingers would bleed if you tried to write code this bad.”

May 4, 2005

Sad truths.

Filed under: General — tj @ 7:19 am

Things I’ve realized today (as of 8:16am):

The greatness of art isn’t of the art at all, it’s in how the person receives the art. If two sloshing buckets of piss move you, they’re moving you, and that’s art.

April 26, 2005

I don\’t understand

Filed under: General — tj @ 8:45 am

why do my hands smell like throw up?
and then i rubbed my nose, and now the throw up smell is on my nose, and it’s not going away.
i clearly didn’t throw up, or even come close, where could the smell come from?
the mysteries persist.

March 30, 2005

Other issues?

Filed under: Writing — tj @ 4:55 pm

I haven’t been sleeping too well lately. This may or may not be related to these crazy dreams I’m having. I think it’s a variation on a super-hero type of dream. I fly around the city, and catch people when they’re falling. Apparently, this city has a very high depression rate. Occasionally one of the people though, when they’re falling, grab on to one of my limbs, and just pull with everything they’ve got, eventually tearing off a limb. In the dream, it doesn’t seem so out of the ordinary, I just go on with one less leg, or arm, etc. Eventually, I’m just a floating body in a lake, except I’m the only one who can float, and there’s a million people in this lake, and they’re all trying to grab on to me. I start getting the “about to get crushed” feeling, and then I scream, and eventually wake up. Generally there’s a few seconds of screaming mixed in with gurgling as my limbless body gets pushed down into the water. I’ve taken to throwing back a couple sleep meds to see if it helps, but so far, no go; the dreams persist.

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